Former chemical manufacturing site to see new life as last-mile stop

According to Avison Young, Deugen Development will modernize the 47,310-square-foot former Sun Chemical building at 390 Central Ave. in East Rutheford following its purchase of the site.

– AVISON YOUNG   A property that previously served as a manufacturing facility for Sun Chemical in East Rutherford will be developed into a modern structure for e-commerce purveyors and last-mile delivery services following its sale. Avison Young announced the deal for the 47,310-square-foot 390 Central Ave.

property in East Rutherford and plans for the building last week. Principals Timothy Cadigan and Matthew Turse and Vice Presidents Judy Troiano and John Gianis – all based in Avison Young‘s Morristown office – represented Sun Chemical, the seller, in the transaction with Deugan Development.

The […].

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