Emerson Poll: Majority of Democrats Support Kim for U.S. Senate Nomination

A new Emerson College Polling/PIX11/The Hill survey in New Jersey finds Congressman Andy Kim leading the Democratic Primary for U.S.

Senate with 51%, while 39% are undecided. Six percent support Patricia Campos Medina, and 5% support Lawrence Hamm.

A majority of Republican Primary voters (84%) are undecided on which candidate they will vote for. “Kim has coalesced a base of voters over 60 and those with college degrees,” Spencer Kimball, executive director of Emerson College Polling, said.

“64% of voters over 60 and 58% of voters with a college degree support Kim for the nomination.” If current Senator Bob Menendez, who has held the seat since 2006, were to run as an independent candidate, 9% would support him, while 49% would […].

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