NJ.ORG/RE Launches ReaLid Discussion Forums. Admits Branding Problems


In one more attempt to tame the wild wild Internet of things, Spokeperson Bill Lonello hopes that people will be more civil if we know they are human – well not a dog at least.  Participants will have to be active Realtors or other invited real estate related pros.

Let the pushback begin.  Secretary Natalie Alice Gainer points out that just because we know who they are, doesn’t mean they won’t act like buttholes.

OK, NAG is right.  But this time it’s different.  Realtors can’t be overtly racist.  OK, you got a point there… But we can kick them off.

Anyway… Let the madness begin. BL

Topic One – Carrot Dangling Politicians
Today’s question. How would No Tax on Overtime work?
One of DJTs proposals like the “no tax on tips” carrot KH also dangled.

On 10/16/2024 1:54 PM aDxmTomxx wrote:

Trump says he ‘wouldn’t pay’ employees overtime because he ‘hated it’

Of course that solves it, no overtime taxes if you don’t pay overtime at all.

Just like his “no tax on tips”, where you’d pay $20 to have work done on your house … and tip $9000, his policies invite tax evasion… and those taxes will still get collected… from ‘somewhere’.

His idea of paying for everything with tariffs would cause the biggest slam of inflation since Weimar Germany, and transfer all of the burden off of those with investments, and onto those living paycheck to paycheck. (working poor would have 100% exposure to the inflated prices, while stocks, bonds, bank accounts would all be sheltered)

Do you really trust the economics being pushed by a guy whose campaign bussed his supporters to a manure farm and left them there????? Apparently the bus company expected to get paid, like the many cities his roadshow has been to. Unlike the cities, the bus company declined to be scammed.

anewricxx wrote on the 17th

Union workers react to Trump’s overtime comments : r/TikTokCringe (reddit.com)





still waiting for aMexTim61 to say something.


porting to real listserve.

what’s a listserv