Dare to go there? First is it Pat’s or Gino’s? Speak very carefully. Get it wrong and you might end up in Philly’s Lil’ Meadowlands next door.
Try Pat’s. Ginos sounds like the Mob muscled their way in. Totally legit now.. Really.
Then you must choose from 3 cheeses.
American. Texture but no taste..
Provolone. The original. It’s got a kick. But to your arteries it may stick.
Cheez Whiz. Similar to American Cheese. Chemicals and all.
Then you say wit or widout. That’s the onions
For example “Can I Get a Whiz Wit” Or Can it get a Provie Widout. Accepted but awkward: “I’ll take a whiz wid Liz”
The last thing you want to do is say it in a Jersey Shore accent. You will ge a bit more grizzle in your steak. Keep an eye on her.
They say I ca’nt pell but Cheesesteak looks funny right?
Try Jim’s South Street (was a house in 1939) if you want to feel local.
If youva tryda one cheesa steaka youva triedem Allah.
NEXT UP: Was William Penn a Quacker?